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Showing posts with label foods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foods. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Top 10 Foods for Muscle Growth


Broccoli is a rich source of fiber and can help in muscle growth. Rich in vitamin A, B complex and other essential minerals and nutrients, regular consumption can prove to be good for muscle growth.


Eggs are used widely for muscle growth by body builders. Not only body builders, people who hit the gym often are also recommended to consume eggs. Eggs are great source of proteins!


Ginger is a herb that alleviates muscle pain. Regular consumption of ginger increases your workout capacity and helps in muscle growth. Ginger can be had in food or as a salad.


Mackerel is flesh of a small Atlantic fish that is rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Regular consumption can help a great deal with muscle growth.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is full of goodness. Replace your vegetable oil with olive oil and see your muscles grow in a natural way. Just sauté some vegetables in olive oil and consume as salad.


Yes, coffee has properties to ease muscle pain which increases your workout capacity. Lots of dieticians also recommend to have coffee before workout session as it provides blast of energy.


This tasty fruit can be relished after your workout sessions to enhance the muscle growth.


Spirulina is a choice of vegetarians who want to enhance their muscles. It contains 65% protein and just 20% carbohydrates. Regular consumption of Spirulina, either in juice or capsule form, can help a lot with muscle growth.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are a great source of protein and can be had as a quick snack. Regular consumption of sunflower seeds, either with food or as a snack, can help a great deal with muscle growth.


Turmeric is a great herb that contains curcumin – a natural compound that helps in muscle growth and repair. Regular intake of turmeric in food can help a lot with muscle growth.

10 Benefits of Green Tea

Helps Lose Weight

Green tea increases the metabolism. The polyphenol found in green tea works to intensify levels of fat oxidation and the rate at which your body turns food into calories.

Prevents Diabetes

Green tea apparently helps regulate glucose levels slowing the rise of blood sugar after eating. This can prevent high insulin spikes and resulting fat storage.

Reduces Chances of Heart Disease

Scientists think, green tea works on the lining of blood vessels, helping keep them stay relaxed and better able to withstand changes in blood pressure. It may also protect against the formation of clots, which are the primary cause of heart attacks.

Helps Prevent Esophageal Cancer

It can reduce the risk of esophageal cancer, but it is also widely thought to kill cancer cells in general without damaging the healthy tissue around them.

Reduces Cholesterol

Green tea reduces bad cholesterol in the blood and improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.

Prevents Tooth Decay

Studies suggests that the chemical antioxidant “catechin” in tea can destroy bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections, dental caries and other dental conditions.

Helps Lower Blood Pressure

Regular consumption of green tea is thought to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

Helps Relax

Theanine is an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves. It is this substance that is thought to provide a relaxing and tranquilizing effect and be a great benefit to tea drinkers.

Has Anti-viral and Anti-bacterial Properties

Tea catechins are strong antibacterial and antiviral agents which make them effective for treating everything from influenza to cancer. In some studies green tea has been shown to inhibit the spread of many diseases.

Improves Skin Quality

Green tea can apparently also help with wrinkles and the signs of aging, This is because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Both animal and human studies have demonstrated that green tea applied topically can reduce sun damage.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

How to Cut Fat But Keep Taste in Your Favorite Recipes

Higher calories often force people to let go of their favorite foods however there is no need for people to let go of their favorite foods with the fear of adding extra pounds to the body instead it can be made healthy by alternating certain ingredients in these specially cooked dishes. Like a saying huge results can be acquired by taking smaller steps which when taken continuously will make it easy to handle any huge changes which can be quite disturbing at times.
First change should start with healthy shopping at the grocery store where things are to be purchased to make a healthy diet till which it has to be preserved properly making certain changes which help in preparing healthy food items.

Steps for food makeover

  • Go to foods are rights think to start the concept of makeover in foods, this choice is good since they are known to be prepared again and again, also any changes which are made to the dishes that are frequently eaten it is said to have better effect on the calories being taken in on daily basis.
  • First step in makeover is to have good look at the materials which are needed to see if there are any healthy alternatives available to see if there is any chance to lessen fat and calorie intake for the body adding nutritional values. Would it be sufficient to use low fat curd instead of cream or is there any possibility to exchange brown rice for white one to include more fiber in food. These substitutes should be enough to provide nearly exact taste to the dish at the same time lessening the calorie count for the body.
  • Now look at the amount of these ingredients which has to be changed in order to make the dish much healthier than its original part. If there is a choice to sauté or stir fry instead of pure frying in order to lessen the fat content, certain things like using lesser sugar or salt should have great effect on the calorie intake of body.
Do not think that using low calorie ingredients will mean that it will only end up to be a recipe that has lesser calories, since there are times when these ingredients are fried instead of grilling. If there are certain low calories food like fish and veggies there are changes that they will be sauced up instead of steaming and by the time the recipe comes out it seems quite similar to any burger filled with cheese.

 How to cut fat but keep taste in your favorite recipes

Tips for healthy dishes:

Here we are providing the ways in which fat and calories can be cut down from the dishes also making them much healthier by increased use of whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits in them:
  • Calories can be reduced and nutrition can be boosted by adding diced veggies to soups and while cooking any other type of recipes which include meat, casseroles, salads or even pasta.
  • Seasoning which is used for steamed vegetables should consist of garlic, onion, spices or herbs instead of regular butter and sauces which are often chosen by many.
  • Try fruits for salad instead of routine vegetable like orange, tangerine, kiwi and apples, also it is suggested to alternate iceberg lettuce with deep green colored leafy vegetables.
  • Frozen vegetables have enough nutrition like those of fresh ones; also they are good due to their availability throughout the year also being less costly than those of fresh ones.
  • There is no need of cream, butter and flour to add thickness to the soups instead vegetables can be put in a blender and added to the soup. There is an alternative to also prepare cream for soups with vegetables and garlic puree with milk.
  • Increase the quantity of dishes if they stay good even after freezing which makes best choice for people who do not have much time to prepare food or are easily tired with things can pull up these frozen dishes instead of choosing junk food.
  • There are several alternatives available some of which are given below:
    1. Ground beef can be substituted with ground chicken, turkey or ground soy.
    2. Apple sauce, prunes, carrots, mashed avocados or bananas also make best alternative for butter or margarine.
    3. Pan spray, wine, vegetable juice and broth are known to be best choice to sauté vegetables instead of butter.
    4. Reduced fat cheese is best choice when compared to cheese.
    5. Egg whites can be used in place of the eggs which are used for baking.
    6. Mayonnaise with lesser fat is known to be best choice instead of Mayonnaise.

10 Low Calorie Food for Overweight Girls

Overweight in girls has become a common condition due to high calorie foods and due to a sedentary lifestyle. Overweight is the condition in which the body has more fat than the optimal level. To be healthy, the body requires an optimum level of fat. Proper functioning of hormones, reproductive system and immune system are affected by excess fat levels in the body. Too much storage of fat in the body also affects the appearance. If you have a body mass index or BMI more than 25, you are considered as overweight. Low calorie foods can help you to lose weight. Here are 10 foods with calorie content less than 10 which will help you to reduce your weight.
1. Capsicum
Capsicum is also known as bell pepper, jalapeno, chili etc. This is available in different colours and is rich in beta carotene. Capsicum also contains Vitamins A and C. This helps to prevent various diseases. This is an important food for weight loss as it contains only 4.5 calories in 25 grams capsicum. This improves the metabolism of the body and helps to lower the triglycerides in the fat deposits. This helps to burn extra calories from the body. It also has a laxative effect. Apart from this, the folate and vitamin B6 present in them reduces the fat deposits in the arteries and reduces the risk of heart diseases.
2. Cauliflower
This is an ideal weight-loss food for young girls. It has no fat and is a rich source of vitamin C. It contains only 3.6 calories in one floret. It fills up your stomach and therefore there will not be any craving for food. It is very low in carbohydrate content and can improve your heart health. It also contains fiber which helps in proper digestion.
3. Strawberries
Strawberries are one of the fruit liked by most of the people. They are delicious and have different nutritional components. They are rich in fiber content which helps to prevent constipation and other health conditions. It has high water content and fills your stomach easily. The calorie count is less than 5 in one fruit. They contain Vitamin C and can protect your heart and prevent diabetes.
4. Scallion
This is perfect food for those who want to lose body weight. Scallions or green onions are a low calorie food which is fat free. Scallions help to reduce the inflammations in the body. The calorie content in one scallion is just 6.4. This food reduces cancer risk. They contain flavonoids antioxidants, fibers, mineral and vitamins which provide many health benefits. It is better to opt for organic scallions, if you want to avoid pesticides.
5. Celery
This is one of the lowest calorie foods from nature. It contains 7.4 calories per stalk and loads of nutrients. The phytochemical present in celery relaxes the muscle tissue in the artery walls. This will help to improve the blood flow and lowers the blood pressure. They contain Vitamin A, vitamin k, folate, potassium etc. Do not consume celery which id refrigerated for more than 7 days as the nutrients in them get destroyed.

6. Spinach
It is one of the power food with vitamins, proteins, fiber etc which are necessary for the proper working of our body. It contains antioxidants and has low calorie content. 1cup of spinach contains only 7.8 calories hence it is a good choice of food for those who want to lose weight. They also help in reducing the risk of osteoporosis and heart diseases. Spinach is a rich source of iron which is necessary for the production of hemoglobin in the body and to prevent anemia seen in young girls.
7. Lettuce
Lettuce is must have food for weight loss. You can add flavors to your meal with romaine lettuce. They are extremely low in calorie and have high water content. It is excellent for dieters as it is very low in saturated fat and contains no cholesterol. They are rich in dietary fiber, iron and manganese. They also contain different vitamins essential for the body.
8. Cucumber
This is another great food for weight loss. Cucumber has high water content which gives fullness to the stomach when eaten. You require more energy to chew the cucumber than what you get from it. Hence it is an energy burning food. 75 grams of cucumber contain only 9 calories. It is a rich source of vitamin B. It contains no sugar and is very low in sodium. It also contains all the daily vitamins needed by the body. It contains silica which keeps your joints strong.
9. Watermelon
Watermelon is a food with low calories. Eating 28gms of watermelon will provide you only 9 calories. It needs 3,500 calories to make one pound of fat in the body. So, watermelon does not cause weight gain in people. Watermelon contains 139 grams of water per cup, so it is a rich source of water for the body. It keeps the body hydrated and reduces cravings while dieting. It also improves constipation as it contains fibers. Arginine present in watermelon reduces the fat storage in the body and improves cardiovascular functioning.
10. Cherry Tomatoes
They are excellent sources of Vitamin A and Vitamin C and Vitamin K. The pigment contained in tomatoes called Lycopene has health benefits like reducing cancer risk. About three numbers of cherry tomatoes will contain only 10 calories and hence it is one of the ideal foods for overweight people. It is a rich source of potassium. There are no sugars or saturated fat in cherry tomatoes and hence is a safe food for those who want to reduce their body weight.
Including some of these low calorie food items will help you to lose your weight without much strain. Reduce the intake of sugar and fat and increase the intake of these low calorie foods to find faster weight loss result. Doing mild exercises along with these low calorie foods will increase the speed at which you will burn the fat from your body. Continue the low calorie foods even after losing weight to maintain the ideal body weight.

Why diets don’t work

A visitor from a far-off planet observing the way we behave could easily assume that dieting is a very good idea. We do it all the time.

Dieting is so popular that in the past 10 years it’s estimated that around 70 per cent of the adult female population and 30 per cent of all adult males have been on one.

It doesn’t seem to matter whether it’s the Atkins diet or liquid diets, people will try almost anything in their frantic desire to shed a few pounds.

Unfortunately, the results are usually the same. Although diets do produce results in the short term, very few dieters maintain their weight loss, no matter which diet they try.

Worse than this, most dieters end up bigger than they were before they started dieting. So, why don’t diets work?

Diets are hard to do

Most diets involve a significant change in a person’s normal eating habits over an extended period of time. But habits die hard; we cling to them because they fit in with our lifestyle and the people around us.
And changing something that is second nature to us very often results in stress – especially if that change is at odds with the habits of those in our social and family world.

Dieting is also hard because it relies on our willpower to keep us on the right track.

Willpower is often very strong at the start of a diet when we are desperate to change, but it can ebb and flow with the state of our health and the pressures and triggers of day-to-day life.

Dieters rarely think of rehearsing how they will manage in difficult situations such as going out to dinner with friends; they just hope their willpower will hold up and punish themselves if it doesn’t.

Willpower is hard to maintain for extended periods of time, especially if our dietary rules are too strict.

There’s also the danger that when we feel like we’ve made some progress in our diet, we become less inclined to put ourselves through the struggle of restricting our food.

So dieting is hard because people haven’t learned the difference between willpower and commitment to long-term behaviour change.

Diets make you feel hungry and deprived

Research shows that no matter what your size, diets make you hungry and create powerful cravings for the very foods you are trying to avoid, eg sugar and fat.

On top of these cravings, dieters also have to manage feelings of deprivation: ‘Everybody is eating what I’m not allowed to. They can have it – why cant I?’ This kind of thinking is likely to lead to rebellious overeating.

Dieters lapse and collapse

A diet only works for as long as you are on it. Most people get bored with rigid eating plans and go off the rails from time to time.

The trouble is that for many people a lapse is a sign of failure. They tell themselves they’ve ‘blown it’ and experience feelings of inadequacy.

The lapse becomes a slippery slope and they end up eating anything that’s not nailed to the floorboards because ‘it’s fine, I’ll start again tomorrow’.

Such people go from diet to diet, hoping to find the one that will stop them from failing. But such a diet doesn’t exist, and they may end up bigger each time they try.

Diets fail to address the emotional aspect of overeating

People often eat to help deal with emotional problems, rather than because they’re hungry.

This is normal, but some people gain weight because they turn to food for emotional comfort or to cope with negative feelings like anger or loss – for example, after a bad day at work, after a row with a loved one or as an end to a long week.

Dieting doesn’t solve the problem of emotional eating. If anything, it makes people more depressed because it becomes one of the issues that causes overeating.

And losing weight can make things worse, because people have to cope with the pressures and expectations of their new body shape.
Dieters usually fail to change their core habits

The only people who lose weight and keep it off are those who make permanent changes to their own eating and exercise habits, and to those of their families.

Dieters too often say or think things like: ‘When I’m slim I’ll never overeat again’ or ‘When I’ve lost this weight I’ll go out and celebrate with a cream cake’, or ‘Why should I make my family change their eating habits because I’m on a diet?’

Too often those old eating habits will creep back in, no matter how much weight has been lost, and in time you’ll find yourself back at square one.

Lifestyle, not diets

In a world full of temptations, it’s laudable to want to be a healthy weight and to manage your eating. However, dieting as we know it is not the way to do it.

For long-term weight loss, many things – not just your nutritional habits – will have to change.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Risks Of Painkiller Addiction

Any type of addiction is harmful to the body in both physical, mental and emotional aspects. Since the word addiction is accompanied in various circumstances, we often see this word negatively in nature. How can we really identify if a person is addicted or not? Today, we will discuss the nature of painkiller addiction and its corresponding health risks.

Addiction is mostly defined as a habit or activity that is uncontrollable in nature. Having difficulty to cease control of your cravings for example can be considered as addiction to foods, watching porn as porn addiction, cigarettes to smoking, opiates for opiates addiction and so on and so forth. Obviously, addiction can affect the mental and emotional side of a human being, making it so difficult to overcome.

So lets talk about the more common, very popular and lethal type of addiction, the painkillers. Often used as a dependable drugs to give relief to pain, headache and other types of sickness, painkillers are often used inappropriately and not as prescribed by their physicians. Illegal or abusive use of painkillers has many health side effects.

Most researchers and studies in the US proves that people who frequently uses painkillers have different behaviors and aggressive attitudes. The ignorance and lack of knowledge of most people who are considered painkiller dependents are ignoring all the potential health risks involved with regards to the over consumption of these drugs.

What is more alarming is that, even the youth are getting highly dependent on various over the counter painkiller drugs. Because most of these drugs are cheap and easily available, teenagers can acquire painkiller with less difficulty. Painkillers can get an individual very high, making it one of the biggest problem every government are facing today.

Most people who are considered addicts are often caused by overly getting dependent on painkillers in both physical and mental stress or sickness. Experts also suggest that people who are suffering from fear of suffering pain are more prone in becoming addicts because of the high probability of painkiller dependency. Even if a sickness gets completely cured, people will still take painkillers because they feel that the pain will still re-occur.

Some of the known health risks for painkiller addiction are the following.
  • increase risks of heart attack
  • increase risk of developing cancer
  • higher risks of liver disorders
  • higher tendency of mood changes
  • gives stress and anxiety
  • aggressive behavior
Sudden withdrawal of painkiller addictionpainkiller will also cause minor health conditions such as cold sweats, restlessness, muscle and bone pain, diarrhea and insomnia. These withdrawal symptoms are often triggered because the body has already adapted to drug abuse, thus changing can have an adverse effect on health.

To avoid this type of addiction, you have to follow your doctor's prescription and advise on how to properly use drugs. If there are side effects, talk to your doctor immediately to make necessary adjustments on your medicinal requirements. You physician knows best for you and you should follow all the instructions to the letter to avoid any misconception on the proper use of pain killers.

Painkiller addiction is more of a mental condition and does not require any medicinal treatment. Proper health care and knowledge about these drugs should be given precisely to all patients who are in need of painkillers. Therapies are widely available to support and properly treat your medicinal abusive behaviors. Talk to your doctor if you think you are already a painkiller addict.

Benefits Of Bottle Gourd

Bottle Gourd or "Upo" in Filipino, is a nutritious vegetable found in most tropical countries such as Philippines and India. It has a bottle-shaped structure with yellow-green skin and a pulpy flesh with white seeds. This article will discuss the health benefits of this wonderful plant.
In Ayurveda, bottle gourd is widely used as a herb and healing plant. It is also considered as a weight loss food because of its high fiber content which helps suppress hunger for a longer period of time. Unknown to many, this vegetable is composed of 97% water, similar properties with watermelon, an antioxidant rich fruit.

bottle gourd

Bottle gourd is a known nutrition-packed food with low calories and absolutely no fats. It contains vitamins A, C, B6, E, K, calcium, iron, folate, potassium, manganese, protein, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, magnesium, phosphorus and selenium. 
Below are some of the known health benefits of this nutritious plant. 
  1. Bottle gourd juice is a great alternative remedies for diarrhea, diabetes and liver detoxification.
  2. This vegetable aids in nerve related diseases such epilepsy and neuralgia.
  3. Bottle gourd juice is also a good remedy for stomach upset, ulcers and indigestion or hyperacidity. 
  4. Promotes weight loss
  5. Bottle gourd helps treat jaundice 
Aside from the benefits above, bottle gourd is also a natural thirst quencher due to its high water content. This also makes bottle gourd to have a relaxing or soothing effect which prevents fatigue and is anti-bilious. 
In summary, bottle gourd is a perfect alternative for breakfast and afternoon snack instead of indulging yourself to unhealthy processed and junk foods. So the next time you go to your local market, don't forget to buy some bottle gourd to support your health needs.

Not So Healthy 'Health' Foods

Fruit juice and a bran muffin for breakfast; a Caesar salad for lunch; a protein bar snack; and a turkey burger with all the fixings for dinner. Sounds like a reasonably healthy day, right? Not so fast. All of these foods have a healthy reputation, but they all have something else in common, too: They’re hiding the types of sugar, fat, and calories that can bust your diet or even lead to weight gain.

Get the inside scoop on these and other popular diet darlings to find out what to avoid and what to eat instead.

health 1


health 2Granola: Sugar Overload

More than any other food, granola has tricked the diet industry into thinking it’s healthy, when really those organic, all-natural whole grain and nut mixes are packed with calories, fat, and sugar. Just a quarter-cup serving of granola can easily have upwards of 130 calories, not to mention at least 4 grams of sugar and 5 grams of fat. To get the crunch you crave, make your own healthy mix to skip out on added sugars. Measure your portions carefully, and sprinkle granola on top of yogurt instead of eating it alone.


health 4Dried Fruit: Sugary Saboteur

Dried fruits are great sources of concentrated vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but — and it’s a big but to avoid — you have to limit your intake because you’re also getting very concentrated calories and sugar. Consider prunes, which are dried plums: Just one cup of prunes contains more than 400 calories and 45 grams of sugar while one cup of fresh plum has just 76 calories and 16 sugar grams. Plus, when you eat fresh fruit you get the added water content that can help you feel full.

health 5 

Sushi Rolls: Beware of Sodium

In theory, sushi rolls are almost perfect — protein in the form of seafood (often from healthy fatty acid sources such as salmon and tuna) combined with seaweed, veggies, and a small amount of rice. If you ate sushi in the traditional small quantities along with some miso soup, you’d actually be doing well for both nutrition and diet. But modern sushi rolls are a little more dangerous: Many varieties, such as tempura rolls, come fried or topped with mayo and cream cheese. Plus, soy sauce contains excess sodium, and all the white rice can cause blood sugar spikes in people with diabetes. When eating sushi, it’s best to stick to brown rice rolls, fresh veggies, and no sauce.

health 6Caesar Salad Calorie-Bomb

Romaine lettuce, the foundation of Caesar salad, is richer in vitamins and minerals than iceberg lettuce, so that’s a good start. But look past the leaves, and you’ll see plenty of diet trips, such as high-fat dressing, calorie-rich cheese, and fatty croutons. Just because you ask for dressing on the side when you order your salad doesn’t mean you’re spared all the excess calories, says Villacorta, adding that a fully-loaded Caesar can top 800 calories. Instead, top your greens with grilled chicken strips and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.


health 7High-Calorie Fish Sandwiches

Fish is often touted as a low-calorie superfood (in fact, the American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least twice a week), but once you fry that fish, slather it in high-calorie tartar sauce, and slap it between two slabs of white bread or a buttered roll, you’ve more than negated any health benefit you might see. Opt for grilled fish or chicken on an open-face sandwich or a fish taco loaded with salsa and vegetables — hold the sour cream and cheese!


Margarine: Hidden Trans Fat

health 8 
Margarine can be a better choice than butter, particularly for people who are concerned about their heart health. But not all margarines are created equal: Many stick forms contain hidden trans fat, which can be even worse for your heart than the saturated fat in butter. When choosing a stick, go for the brand with the lowest levels of fat and cholesterol. If you’re at risk for heart disease, choose a brand that has been fortified with plant stanols and sterols, which can help reduce bad cholesterol levels.

Sugary Fruit Juice

health 9
A drink that's 100 percent fruit juice sounds like a healthy way to check off your daily fruit needs. The problem is, even if you’re drinking unadulterated juice (not a juice drink, a diet trap with tons of added sugar and sometimes barely 10 percent real juice), you’re missing out on the fiber and the nutrients available only in the whole food, especially fruits with edible peels. In general, experts advise that only a third of the 2.5 cups of fruit you need each day should come from juice. And moderation matters for this health food. Serving sizes for store-bought juice in bottles and at juice bars and cafes are out of control, says Villacorta, and if you’re not careful, you can add hundreds of calories to your daily diet through juice. He suggests scaling down your fruit juice servings to one 4-ounce glass a day, or skip fruit juice entirely and just eat the real thing.

Fat-Filled Bran Muffins

health 10 
Store-bought and café muffins may seem like a healthy food choice, but too often their whole grains are lost in a sea of oversized portions, sugar, sodium, and fat — a resounding diet trap. To add insult to injury, some store-bought muffins skip out on the whole-grain ingredients and many don’t contain enough to counteract the sugar and fat in your diet anyway. You can keep your muffins from becoming a diet trap by making them yourself and boosting the fiber fill-up with oat bran and ground flaxseed — just refrain from using supersized muffin tins to maintain diet portions.

health 11Needless Nutrition Waters

Although it seems intuitive to combine two components of healthy nutrition — water and vitamins — into one package, brand-name vitamin or nutrition waters might not be the best choice for your body or your budget. Dietitians generally recommend a varied diet as the best way to get good nutrition, in part because your body may not be able to absorb vitamins as effectively without other dietary elements such as small amounts of fat and the fiber. That’s why a big mixed salad with a touch of homemade dressing is the health food choice to get your vitamins and minerals — and just plain water from the tap will do for hydration. Know that some nutrition waters may not even contain all the vitamins you need for the day, and be doubly aware to avoid any that contain sugar (and calories) — a diet trap to steer clear of.


health 12Diet-Busting Turkey Burgers

Turkey is generally thought of as a fit and trim alternative to red meat, but depending on the cut and preparation, a burger can easily have more fat than a lean cut of beef, not to mention the calories from the bun you save when you just eat a cut of meat. Look for the leanest ground turkey available at the store, or go completely meatless and try veggie burgers. Regardless of your patty preference, go light on the condiments, layering vegetables onto a whole-grain bun or lettuce wrap instead of cheese and mayo .


Top 10 Healthy Foods


Apples are an excellent source of antioxidants, which combat free radicals, damaging substances generated in the body that cause undesirable changes and are involved in the aging process and some diseases.

Some animal studies have found that an antioxidant found in apples (polyphenols) might extend lifespans. Tests on fruit flies found that polyphenols also help them to preserve their ability to walk, climb and move about.

Another study found that adult females who regularly ate apples had a 13% to 22% lower risk of developing heart disease.

Fuji apple

2) Almonds

Almonds are rich in nutrients, including iron, calcium, vitamin E, fiber, riboflavin, and magnesium. A scientific review published in Nutrition Reviews last year found that almonds as a food may help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. The authors wrote:

"The message that almonds, in and of themselves, are a heart-healthy snack should be emphasized to consumers. Moreover, when almonds are incorporated into a healthy, balanced diet, the benefits are even greater."

The fatty acid profile of almonds, which is made up of 91-94% unsaturated fatty acids, may partly explain why it helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Almonds also have the highest fiber content of any tree nut.

Sa almonds

3) Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in fiber, folate, potassium, calcium and phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are compounds which reduce the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Broccoli also contains beta-carotene, an antioxidant, as well as vitamin C.
Broccoli and cross section edit

If the enzyme myrosinase is not destroyed during cooking, broccoli can also reduce the risk of developing cancer. The best way to cook broccoli and to preserve the myrosinase is to steam the vegetable lightly - if it is overcooked, and the vegetable's beneficial effects can be seriously undermined, researchers from the University of Illinois wrote in the peer-reviewed journal Nutrition and Cancer.

The researchers said that adding broccoli to a meal can often double its anticancer properties.

Another ingredient, sulforphane, which exists in broccoli, is also said to have anti-cancer as well as anti-inflammatory qualities. However, overcooking can destroy most of the benefits.

4) Blueberries

Blueberries are rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants and fiber.

According to a study carried out at Harvard Medical School, elderly people who eat plenty of blueberries (and strawberries) are less likely to suffer from cognitive decline, compared to other people of their age who do not. (Link to article)

Blueberries were found in another study carried out by scientists at Texas Woman's University, to help in curbing obesity. Plant polyphenols, which are abundant in blueberries, have been shown to reduce the development of fat cells (adipogenesis), while inducing the breakdown of lipids and fat (lipolysis). (Link to article)

5) Oily fish

Examples of oily fish include salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines and anchovies. These types of fish have oil in their tissues and around the gut. Their lean fillets contain up to 30% oil, specifically, omega-3 fatty acids. These oils are known to provide benefits for the heart, as well as the nervous system. Oily fish are also known to provide benefits for patients with inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis.

Oily fish also contain vitamins A and D.
Sardin from sardegna 1

6) Leafy green vegetables

Studies have shown that a high intake of dark-leafy vegetables, such as spinach or cabbage may significantly lower a person's risk of developing diabetes type 2. Researchers from Leicester University, England, said that the impact of dark green vegetables on human health should be investigated further, after they gathered data from six studies.

Spinach, for example, is very rich in antioxidants, especially when uncooked, steamed or very lightly boiled. It is a good source of vitamins A, B6, C, E and K, as well as selenium, niacin, zinc, phosphorus, copper, folic acid, potassium, calcium, manganese, betaine, and iron.

7) Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, beta carotene, complex carbohydrates, vitamin C, vitamin B6, as well as carotene (the pink, yellow ones).

The Center for Science in the Public Interest, USA, compared the nutritional value of sweet potatoes to other vegetables. The sweet potato ranked number one, when vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, protein and complex carbohydrates were considered.
Ipomoea batatas 006

8) Wheat germ

Wheat germ is the part of wheat that germinates to grow into a plant - the embryo of the seed. Germ, along with bran, is commonly a by-product of the milling; when cereals are refined, the germ and bran are often milled out.

Wheat germ is high in several vital nutrients, such as vitamin E, folic acid (folate), thiamin, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as fatty alcohols and essential fatty acids.

Wheat germ is also a good source of fiber.

9) Avocados

Many people avoid avocados because of its high fat content; they believe that avoiding all fats leads to better health and easier-to-control body weight - this is a myth. Approximately 75% of the calories in an avocado come from fat; mostly monosaturated fat.

Avocados are also very rich in B vitamins, as well as vitamin K and vitamin E.

Avocados also have a very high fiber content of 25% soluble and 75% insoluble fiber.

Studies have shown that regular avocado consumption lowers blood cholesterol levels. 

Avocado extracts are currently being studied in the laboratory to see whether they might be useful for treating diabetes or hypertension.

Researchers from Ohio State University found that nutrients taken from avocados were able to stop oral cancer cells, and even destroy some of the pre-cancerous cells.

10) Oatmeal

Oatmeal is meal made from rolled or ground oats, or porridge made from ground or rolled oats. In the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, the term "porridge" or "porridge oats" are common terms for the breakfast cereal that is usually cooked.

Interest in oatmeal has increased considerably over the last twenty years because of its health benefits.

Studies have shown that if you eat a bowl of oatmeal everyday your blood cholesterol levels, especially if they are too high, will drop, because of the cereal's soluble fiber content. When findings were published in the 1980s, an "oat bran craze" spread across the USA and Western Europe. The oats craze dropped off in the 1990s.

In 1997, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) agreed that foods with high levels of rolled oats or oat bran could include data on their labels about their cardiovascular heart benefits if accompanied with a low-fat diet. This was followed by another surge in oatmeal popularity.

Oats is rich in complex carbohydrates, as well as water-soluble fiber, which slow digestion down and stabilize levels of blood-glucose.

Oatmeal porridge is very rich in B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium.