To Controlling and manage blood sugar it
is important to control diet because There is a direct correlation
between blood sugar and What, when, and how much you eat.So in order to
delay or prevent diabetes u should first consult a dietitian, apart from
it, it is also important for a person himself to have a knowledge
about what to eat and what to not and what to not and to do exercise
in order to bring about a positive difference in health .
The following tips for choosing and planning diet will considerably help u to reduce and maintain glucose level.
1-Control Diabetes by Losing Weight:
The most significant thing which can
make a big difference and will surely reap the benefits to your health
is to lose your extra weight . This will not only lower your blood but
also helps lowering your blood pressure cholesterol too. All u need id
to bring a little change in your lifestyle, routine and diet.
For woman:
Having waist of 35 inches or more are at risk
For man :
Having waist of 40 inches or more are at risk
2- Constant and regular food timings :
The another very important thing for
controlling blood sugar and scheming your diet plan is that the timings
at which you have your meals should be set fixed and at regular
intervals each day . This will considerably improve your metabolic
activity to a great extent and helps redubbing your weight.
3- Split your meals and eating in moderate amount:
Spliting your meals into 6 times per
day and eating in fair and consistent amount , not only improves ur
metabolic rate as the food u take is not concerted at one time.This will
surely help and encouraged you to lose your weight.You will get
noticeable results following it.
4- No long Gaps and skipping of meals:
- There should be no long gaps between meals.
- Never miss out breakfast.
- Keep in check the calorie intake it should be equivalent everyday .
- Avoiding skimping meals.
5- No overeating:
- Never eat in a bulk on one time or a day Try to have moderate amount of food each time u eat.It will help maintain your blood sugar at a healthy level and wont let it to fluctuate.
- Remember to eat your food slowly, chew well and not to swallow .
6- Proper Exercise and work outs:
- Exercise is very important and a first-rate way to trim down calories ,extra weight and controlling or reversing glucose level . Make it a routine.
- Brisk walking is the simplest matchless and the most easiest way of excersicing. It is suggested to walk for 30 minutes daily or atleast five times a week .
- You can also try Cycling , swimming, house and yard work and other activities etc
- While exercise certain precautions and safety measures should be kept in mind.
- Avoid exercising after insulin injection.
- Test out your blood-glucose levels before and after exercise.
- Timings for exercise should be fixed and regular.
- Avoid heavy exercise.
- Do not eat right away after a workout .
- Wear appropriate shoes and socks while exercising.
- Certain precautions and safety measures while excercise
7-constant and regular timings for medication
Timings for Taking medicines should be fixed and regular.
No skipping of dose.
8-Avoid fried foods and meat:
Limit fats and sweets as they can
increase your glucose levels. Rather choose a variety of foods including
whole grains, fresh vegetables, salads, fruits, low fat dairy products.
As amassing of these fats slows the sugar consumption process and can set off greater side effects and complications.
But donot cut down fats and sugars completely in diet as it is also required by the body normal amount .
Some healthy and unhealthy fats:
Unhealthy fats saturated fats
- red meat,
- whole milk dairy products,
- and eggs.
- vegetable oils
- butter
Healthy fats unsaturated fats
- olive oil,
- canola oil,
- nuts, and avocados.
- omega-3 fatty acids, nclude salmon, tuna, and flaxseeds.
9- Take high-fiber and complex carbohydrates:
It is suggested to diabetic patients to take high-fiber and carbohydrates complex As they are easily broken down to basic sugars. Add whole grain foods in your diet limit
or exclude carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, and rice, candies,
and snacks instead include high-fiber carbohydrates. As They supply
more durable energy exclude White rice , Include Brown rice Regular
pasta Whole-wheat pasta White bread Whole-wheat or whole-grain bread
Sugary breakfast High-fiber breakfast cereal
- Remove the skin AND any visible fat off of meat
- Avoid fries and crackers, try nuts or seeds instead
- Avoid frying, anstead try grilling and broiling .
Add wheat bran ,flaxseed and methi seeds to your wheatflour This will increase fibre in your diet.
10-Drink enough fluids:
- Keep your body well hydrated . Drink a lot of water that will help flush the toxins off your system.
- Fresh veggetables and fruits
- Taking fresh vegetables and fruits on a regular basis as a part of your meals can help in maintaining glucose levels and gives essential benefits as it contains a lot of vital minerals as well as nutrients .
- Taking raw onion daily is also helpful.
- Include sprouts in the diet as they are a source of nutrients.
11- Eat Fish:
Fish is the most excellent meat one can
have, So Choose fish instead of red meat as it contains the buck
quantity of cholesterol and maximum amounts of fundamental and
protective fats.Have it at least two to three times a week.
12- Avoid salt:
You get enough salt from vegetables in inorganic form so, Avoid excess intake as it is the wrong doer for diabetics
13-Avoid sugar:
Try avoid sweet and sugar containing
products at all. It provides nothing but calories and carbohydrates.
replace with natural sugar, like honey, jaggery (gur), etc.
14-Avoid alcohol consumption:
Alcohols such as beer and wine contains large amount of calories choose sugar-free drink.
15- dairy products :
- Dairy products are of course high on fat content such as cheese, curd, milk etc
- So instead consume skimmed milk products , low fat cheese, yogurt (curd) etc
- Do not have more than two cups of tea or coffee every day.
- Try green tea instead.
16- Planned Your diet plan according to age sex body structure and daily routine:
It is very important while planning your
diet plan is to keep in your mind, your age, sex, routine and body
structure. Never copy someone else diet chart.Make your own diet plan
according to your life style, body needs and diabetic stage and type.
17- Consult your doctor :
Remember half knowledge is much worse
than ignorance. So donot forget to consult your doctor first, before
submit yourself to any plan, he wil suggest you more useful tips and
help planning and organizing it more according to your needs.
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